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Meaning of unfortunate in a dream

What is the meaning of unfortunate in my dream?

To dream that you are unfortunate, is significant of loss to yourself, and trouble for others.

Latest Dreams About unfortunate

Found 28 dreams with the symbol unfortunate

I'm in a classroom setting and on the desk is an English exam paper. On the front page is an essay that i should read and answer questions. Unfortunately i fall asleep on the desk only to wake up when the teacher is announcing we should ensure we have answered every question and written our names correctly. I feel pressured and rushed. How I'm i supposed to read the whole essay and answer the questions and it's nearing time to submit the papers. Feeling all the pressure, I'm unable to move past the first question when i wake up. Immediately i feel relieved that the situation was a dream which meant there was no real consequences of failing an exam.

I was standing on bus stand on revealing black outfit and i saw a strange men who dressed up decently grabbed my hand and forced me to go in a room attached with kitchen another men was standing on a kitchen seeing he grabbed me he see me and said one who grab my hand was a conductor and he is rich and bad guy he used to rape girls after hearing that i try to escape and he give me bunch of bangles and tell me to throw one of the bangle if it broke he do whatever he want to do with me if it not broke i can leave so i choose a thick Bangle so it not broke unfortunately thick bangle broke and he suddenly kissed my lips and lick my tongue and he touched my personal body part and my dream end

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