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Meaning of torture in a dream

What is the meaning of torture in my dream?

Pain. Looking to stop whatever it is that has been tormenting you. To dream of being tortured, denotes that you will undergo disappointment and grief through the machination of false friends. If you are torturing others, you will fail to carry out well-laid plans for increasing your fortune. If you are trying to alleviate the torture of others, you will succeed after a struggle in business and love.

Latest Dreams About torture

Found 127 dreams with the symbol torture

I was watching flowers in some kind of open room which was uknown for me. There was few strangers. Then, older lady with long gray hair came and she was also looking flowers. But then, she suddenly stabed me with knight in ribs. I try to call for help but she huged me and stab knight even deeper in my ribs and I was like paralised or something like that. I try to call those strangers for help, but they left and she was hugging me. Then, I ask her will she kill me, and she said no. Then, I asked will she torture me and she told me that she will cut my arms, legs and then head, but I wont feel any pain.

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