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Meaning of timber in a dream

What is the meaning of timber in my dream?

To see timber in your dreams, is an augury of prosperous times and peaceful surroundings. If the timber appears dead, there are great disappointments for you. See Forest.

Latest Dreams About timber

Found 19 dreams with the symbol timber

Living in the mid-western USA at the time of my dream: I was walking down a gravel road which was heavily foliated on each side of it. I knew from the foliage that I was in the southern USA. Came upon a cleared lot on the left side of the road that was marked out by wooden survey stakes with orange tape flags. There was a one-story wine red house one lot further along beside it. My attention was drawn to the stake nearest me at the front left corner of the lot. As I was looking at it, I suddenly started rising up in the air. As i did, I realized that a ridge ran along the back of the property. As I cleared the ridge-line, I could see a newsh concrete block/precast elementary or middle school on the other side of it. A playground with heavy timber playground equipment was between the school and the ridge on their side. The dream jumped and I found myself standing on a sidewalk, looking out on a four-lane divided highway with a grass median. I realized there was an older red brick building immediately behind me and I turned and went up a step or two and entered it. I had the sense that it was maybe a hardware store, Don't remember doing anything while in it, or having any further sense about it. I left through the front door I had entered. As I walked back outside I realized someone was standing on the sidewalk up against the building to the right of the doorway. I looked to the left and saw the beginning edge of a town. I turned to the person standing there and realized I couldn't see their face. I asked them what town it was. They replied, "Oak Ridge". I realized it was an angel of God. I woke up. This dream happened suddenly, like a download. Amazing clarity, colors and details. Understood it was Oak Ridge, TN.

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