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Meaning of throne in a dream

What is the meaning of throne in my dream?

If you dream of sitting on a throne, you will rapidly rise to favor and fortune. To descend from one, there is much disappointment for you. To see others on a throne, you will succeed to wealth through the favor of others.

Latest Dreams About throne

Found 36 dreams with the symbol throne

I had sex with the devil, he was in human form it was intense , we were origionally in our relm then quickly went to his . As he denied me for more sexual desires i questioned why he denied me ? I saw him with horns on hia red throne and i still wanted him. I still tried seducing him. I think it upset him that I was never scared and that i was pursuing him . I even wispered in hia ear and licked his neck grabbed his horns and demanded more ..... he then turned back into human form and we did it again . I wasnt scared of him I felt safe and i told him hes just missunderstood. He hated that and wanted me to return ... I'm a woman of Christ and im so confused why the devil was in my dream and why did it feel so natural to try and dominate him!? I seek Jesus daily is somthing wrong with me .?

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