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Meaning of thorn in a dream

What is the meaning of thorn in my dream?

Sharp. Pain. Discomfort. Afraid to go through the pain of ending something.

Latest Dreams About thorn

Found 47 dreams with the symbol thorn

So I was on a boat with a group and then it started sinking and for some reason we floored it and it magically fixed the boat but we forgot the anchor was in the water so we drug it back into the boat and it was fine but the person driving didn’t seem to know what they we doing and we almost crashed into another boat (there were boats everywhere) and then we went around a turn and skimmed a tree that had a bunch of briars hanging and they wrapped around me when I tried getting the thorns out of me I got knocked off the boat into the water filled with a bunch of little snakes and no one was helping me and I woke up to a snake biting my leg lol I was sweating when I woke up

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