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Meaning of tar in a dream

What is the meaning of tar in my dream?

If you see tar in dreams, it warns you against pitfalls and designs of treacherous enemies. To have tar on your hands or clothing, denotes sickness and grief.

Latest Dreams About tar

Found 12 dreams with the symbol tar

Last year 2013 is the beginning of the dream story. There was this man he was either my boyfriend or fiancé. We had a baby girl together. He an i were moving out of our house, we were arguing in the process of doing so. His occupation was a pro basketball player and apparently he just won the championship. We went outside to where i was holding our baby girl and a group of Caucasian females gathered around us with another baby. The other baby had black tar coming out of her mouth but my baby then touched the other baby and the baby became perfectly fine. My baby was only about a month old and saved another baby's life.

I woke up and it was pitch black I had been extremely thirsty so I cautiously made my way through the hallway trying not to run into anything and suddenly something grabs my leg and starts pulling me under...on closer inspection I noticed it was a shadowy female figure with red eyes and she began pulling me into this dark tar like pit...into herself and just as I began to drown and give up a light shone so bright and warm something from that light grabbed me and pulled me out

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