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Meaning of tailor in a dream

What is the meaning of tailor in my dream?

To dream of a tailor, denotes that worries will arise on account of some journey to be made. To have a misunderstanding with one, shows that you will be disappointed in the outcome of some scheme. For one to take your measure, denotes that you will have quarrels and disagreements.

Latest Dreams About tailor

Found 12 dreams with the symbol tailor

An old friend who i haven't seen in almost sixteen years "not an ex, just a friend" was standing on the opposite side of the road, I thought she needed a ride so I pulled over to give her a ride, but she said to me " do you know why I'm standing here" and she took off the nice short dress that she was wearing ontope of another dress and she gave it to me saying happy birthday, it was not my birthday I thought in my head, she said I have paid the tailor to make you a more expensive dress all you have to do is pick it up, the dress was for my ex-wife I felt and I gave them to her she accepted it with no question, she wasn't jealous like she usually would, the next thing I saw was that I and my ex were having fun in my bedroom, not sex, fun, and my brother was at the door looking at us, my ex didn't notice him, i did so I short the door at him

Somebody stabbed me in the stomach.a friend of mine touched my breast. i kept searching for my boyfriend so that i could tell him about both the incidents, but he kept ignoring me and running away. i decided to go home. the taxi driver started doing various car stunts, and i was terrified. he stopped the car in the end, and i reached my school ground. there, a friend of mine was tailoring clothes for a small girl. that small girl was the daughter of the taxi driver.

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