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Meaning of swan in a dream

What is the meaning of swan in my dream?

To dream of seeing swans holds prosperous outlooks and delightful experiences. Also they ring good health and revelation of a mystery. To dream of seeing white swans floating upon placid waters, foretells prosperous outlooks and delightful experiences. To see a black swan, denotes illicit pleasure, if near clear water. A dead swan, foretells satiety and discontentment To see them flying, pleasant anticipations will be realized soon.

Latest Dreams About swan

Found 48 dreams with the symbol swan

I got a dream where viswanath, km and me were there. So we went to viswanath for some sort of class like he was teaching something. There was Divya beside me so I asked her if the pen was mine, she was so surprised and looking at me, I told her if it's yours let it be, check once and let me know if it's not just return to me. Later in the other scene there was one girl who was very fat so viswanath took her to by telling "tell me what happened that day clearly" (the girl was a abit frightened) along with viswanath km also went to my surprise. So I was writing some notes in my note book, to my utter surprise the book is English grammer and some theory which belongs to my mom, where I have written my name on it, but I observed it was scratched neatly. In the front page there was an old name some ancestral name starting with M. In the next scene, there was a nandini old friend of mine, where she was telling me km told me everything that you were abit upset that you didn't feel anything when you hugged him, I was just calm she informed me that like he told her if I could have shown her some feelings she may have felt that and he was upset about that. In the next scene, i saw a Muslim women down in the apartment where viswanath, girl, km and other man who went to talk to her, were about to return, i saw a scene where km was proposing that Muslim girl, like "why are torturing me, like he was telling her that he love her etc ., stuff I was very much surprised like he was some sort of forcing her and explaining her all kinds of details he was feeling about her. I saw all the stuff in that scene. I was in my home, the house was all empty, nobody was there with me.

Yaswanth master is im my dream,n hes sad mood because of his wife divorce to him and some time passed away,a girl proposed to him and he accepted.im searching for him n finally oneday i met him in feeling sharing club,i open up my feeling on him firstly he shocked n he said im already in a relation how can i accept you,but im amotionaly conneted to him n amotionaly comited to sexual, finally he understands my love on him ,he take me in front of the girl n he convinced her n she accepted, finally we are living in one home

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