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What is the meaning in a dream of stammer

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What is the meaning of stammer In a dream, What does it means stammer In a dream?


To dream that you stammer in your conversation, denotes that worry and illness will threaten your enjoyment. To hear others stammer, foretells that unfriendly persons will delight in annoying you and giving you needless worry.

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Samples of dreams of stammer

My ex and I are no longer

My ex and I are no longer together, but he still lives with me. In my dream he brings home a miniature puppy. The puppy is bitten and semi eaten by the shi-tzu we currently have. I was able to get our dog to spit out the puppy and my ex is hysterical while I kind of watch the puppy stammer around in disbelief. Within seconds the puppy slowly morphs into a white rabbit with beady red eyes and dies. I'm completely freaked out and can't understand why my ex is so calm at this point. I ask, "How the hell did this dog just turn into a rabbit" and he says "it was always a rabbit". The end.

Other meaning of dreams of stammer


To dream that you stammer in your conversation, denotes that worry and illness will threaten your enjoyment. To hear others stammer, foretells that unfriendly persons will delight in annoying you and giving you needless worry.

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