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Meaning of skate in a dream

What is the meaning of skate in my dream?

To dream that you are skating on ice, foretells that you are in danger of losing employment, or valuable articles. If you break through the ice, you will have unworthy friends to counsel you. To see others skating, foretells that disagreeable people will connect your name in scandal with some person who admires you. To see skates, denotes discord among your associates. To see young people skating on roller skates, foretells that you will enjoy good health, and feel enthusiastic over the pleasures you are able to contribute to others.

Latest Dreams About skate

Found 75 dreams with the symbol skate

I was going to some place with my cousin. My cousin went into a different direction and told me to meet her at a location. When I went there, my cousin disappeared and then I ended up at an ice skating rink. I saw an old friend from high school who I wasn’t that close to or who I haven’t thought about in years where she asked me if I wanted to skate. While talking to her, I felt the presence of my ex boyfriend there even though I couldn’t see him. I told my former friend I don’t know how to ice skate and then my ex boyfriend came closer to me and asked me what it is that I don’t know while smiling at me. And I think a voice in the back of my head said he wanted to give us a second chance. We started walking and a few seconds later we saw my family and they had a baby with them. My ex boyfriend carried the baby as he was being told how to calm the baby down and help it burp. As he was holding the baby’s hand, his other hand was resting on my forearm while my hands were folded. My mom noticed his hand resting on my forearm and I am not sure what she was thinking but a voice in the back of my head said I don’t want her to misunderstand. Then they disappeared. Then I was walking with my family somewhere again and I saw some big boxes. One that didn’t have an address and might have belonged to me because of the way my family addressed the box’s presence by saying it cannot be sent somewhere. And one that had my current friend’s name written on it and the contents of the box included prosperity and dreams and then I rolled the box into her teaching classroom and woke up.

I was watching a TV soap and Harry Styles was in it as a tradesman and it was like a busy village square doing a really dramatic build up to a bomb going off. So someone plants the bomb behind harry styles' van and then there were loads of "clips" of like the ppl in the square going about their business and people meeting up and stuff building the tension as a soap does. Then harry styled gets in his van and starts the engine.. and manages to drive off. So he drives about 5 streetd away and parks and meets a friend and is complaining about work and says something like "honestly i wish theyd just blow up" then then the explosion happens and debris and smoke flies jnto the air and Harry styles, who by now i have realised is a hero character, is like I MUST GO, his friend tries to stop him like "no youll die dont go" but he wrestles away... and suddenly is wearing one of those blow up t-rex costumes. And he gets on a skateboard and starts skating back to the scene to help ppl

I’m washing dishes. There are so many dishes. And they fall into the water and splash me. I’m soaked. I put them back on the shelf above the sink and continue to wash dishes. It’s like there’s more and more and more. They keep falling into the water. There’s an older couple that show up and they start doing chores together. I watch them and it’s like a dance. It’s graceful and they clean in no time together. And I’m still at the sink doing the dishes that never end. I’m in a church. In a very back pew. I’m not a member of this church. Everyone is standing up for communion and they head downstairs for communion and come back up. I couldn’t watch the communion like at other churches. And I have to let people by just like a Catholic Church as they pile out. I see some friends and walk to the house across the road from the church. It’s Michelle’s moms house. Place that is so old and in ruins. A little fuzzy in the middle But some guy says Blake is engaged. I think he’s suggesting Blake is engaged to him. The girl I’m with I’m like… is Blake engaged? And she says yes. I see Blake and go sit next to him. I said I hear you’re engaged. He says yes. I said congratulations. Then I say looks like you’ve proposed to everyone, everyone I’ve talked to says you proposed to them. He laughs and he’s engaged to a girl. I wanted to see her photo but didn’t ask. I didn’t ask because I realized it was because id compare her to myself and didn’t think that was fair. I asked him if he could afford a wife. The other friend says well he has a car payment now. And I thought that might even make things worse. He said yes I’m good. But the house he was living in didn’t belong to him and he couldn’t afford a house payment. He was unhappy with me. So I’m like I’ll go back to the church. There’s a pair of skates or a bicycle that I could take back to the church. He says you could take back both. And I asked how. And he says duh. You take the skates and then come back and take the bike. I looked at him and said I’m not doing that. I’ll take one. Not both. He’s saying goodbye to me and he puts his face in my breast and rubs his face back and forth. When I look down he’s moved his head to the side. Our friend noticed

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