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Meaning of scientist in a dream

What is the meaning of scientist in my dream?

Knowledge. Expert. A need for understanding.

Latest Dreams About scientist

Found 27 dreams with the symbol scientist

I was a scientist and i experimented on my girlfriend because she said i wouldnt feel the same way about her if she had a twin. So i made a clone of her and proved her wrong. Then i was helping basketball players with their skills with some elixir in the locker rooms and i invited everyone to a game but before this happened this girl who used to go to our school Diamond she started some mess with some mexicans and they made a threat at me and my girlfriend got mad at me and ran away and i was trying to chase her but then she ran passed them mexicans and they shot her in the back of her neck i was crying and trying to wake her up and i started going off on the dude that shot her and then i woke up before i could do something about it.

When I was younger, I constantly had dreams of being a Arch Angel sent to Earth by God. My task was to do something on Earth but the moment I went to Earth I forgot what I was suppose to do. I couldn't go back unless I did my task. So there I stayed on Earth for the rest of my existence. I lived the life of a human, wearing large coats to hide my wings, stealing food to survive. I looked like I didn't have a bath in a long time. I lived in a hold abandoned home high up in the mountains away from other people. A few years later I was found out by the humans, local media everywhere, scientists captured me, probed me, shoved tubs up inside of me, trimmed my flight feathers so i couldn't fly away, put a tub down my throat as a breathing tube, while I was submerged in a tank full of water as I slept. A month past as my feathers had grown back. Some how I managed to get out of the tank and pull away from all the tubs and needles that they had inside of me. I was naked and didn't have any clothes to wear but I needed to get out of that horrible place that I was in. I managed to get out but they were firing guns at me as I climbed out a window. I flew away as fast as I could. They were still firing there guns at me but I managed to escape. Once I had escaped I found a beautiful realm of some kind. The building was white, bright, with tall pillars. There were beds and cribs everywhere for the children that had passed away. I was standing there in a white dress and gold bracelets on. The kinds were all laughing and smiling, horses running around. It was like paradise, with nothing to worry about. Then all my dreams stopped. Few years later I had the same dream of this paradise world, but it was not the same. Not a sound from the children playing, not a sound from horses, and babies. The only sound that was heard was the wind. Dead, dried up leaves blew in and out of the room in and outside. Dust was collected on everything that I touched. It had been empty for so long. It was dark, miserable, and lonely for so long, it was as if no one ever lived here.

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