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Meaning of rubber in a dream

What is the meaning of rubber in my dream?

To dream of being clothed in rubber garments, is a sign that you will have honors conferred upon you because of your steady and unchanging stand of purity and morality. If the garments are ragged or torn, you should be cautious in your conduct, as scandal is ready to attack your reputation. To dream of using ``rubber'' as a slang term, foretells that you will be easy to please in your choice of pleasure and companions. If you find that your limbs will stretch like rubber, it is a sign that illness is threatening you, and you are likely to use deceit in your wooing and business. To dream of rubber goods, denotes that your affairs will be conducted on a secret basis, and your friends will fail to understand your conduct in many instances.

Latest Dreams About rubber

Found 45 dreams with the symbol rubber

I had a dream / nightmare that I was in a sci-fi sort of world / colony that had the faint structure of my house, I dont remember what prompted us to, but me and all the others in this dystopian / sci-fi / alien colony decided we had to hide from an evil entity that had arrived. I hid on the right side of my bed, laying flat on my side as quietly as possible. However I was found by the evil entity who turned out to be 2020-2023 era Marilyn Manson, dressed in a black suit. I scarcely saw his face, but I recognised his voice. He scared me and I tried to escape but he restrained me and spoke in a quiet and calming tone, convincing me to let him inject me with some type of drug in the middle of my foot. I think I recall him saying something like "Relax..." "Just let me do it.." or something along the lines of it. It was a slight prick and didn't hurt very much, I felt more and more relaxed, and now for some reason his presence was very comforting. I kissed him and hugged him, as if the drug he had administered had made me forget he was the evil entity. I felt weirdly in love with him, and dependent on him. The dream becomes hazy from here but I remember some sort of betrayal in the end, where the drug or something, maybe even him, eventually encased me in this purple balloon type structure / casing / cage which captured me forever. It was the shape of a pill and didn't even fit my legs or arms in. It was shiny, purple, and rubbery.

My name is Imieh Justice Gerald I had a dream on 9/01/2018, in the dream I was set to travel overseas (UK to be precise) I was at the airport and I entered the automated human scanner holding only a phone which I dropped in a rubber pale and passed through the scanner. I passed through the scanner but could not go over to where the rubber pale took my phone which was on the other side. I could see but couldn’t reach to the other side where am to board. Suddenly I found myself in a hospital, so I began to roam around the hospital to find the way to the other side where am to board my ticket. While I roamed I came across a section where everyone there was an albino, as I walked on I entered a morgue where they kept dead albinos. At the tail end of the morgue was a door that led to a boy’s only secondary school, I took the door out of the hospital and was in the school classroom area. While standing out confused I suddenly noticed I was in front of the automated scanner where I started earlier. This time I saw an old school buddy whose name is Michael Aiyegbusi, I told him my ordeal, how I was supposed to travel, needed to pass the scanner to the other side, losing my phone in the process, other details I mentioned earlier and also as my flight might took off already Suddenly the scanner was now on a higher ground, I was looking up to it and was no longer on the level I was. There was then a stair on my level where I could climb to reach for a small narrow window sized opening which was under the automated scanner. I took that path in and I as i was under at this time Mike had already passed the automated scanner and I was looking to him up. Then he spoke to me to jump so he could help me up but I could not jump high enough. Then I continued on the path underneath which was a much longer route for me to the other side where the airport was. Then I finally reached him at the other side at the airport, he consoled me while I pant, then I woke up. The most thing unique about this dream is i usually don’t remember my dreams. I only have the knowledge that I dreamt. But When I woke up after this I remembered it in full detail and a voice spoke out, the voice was so clear “Write it down!!” With sleepy eyes I wrote it down. I have so far not shared this with anyone.

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