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Meaning of punch in a dream

What is the meaning of punch in my dream?

To dream of drinking the concoction called punch, denotes that you will prefer selfish pleasures to honorable distinction and morality. To dream that you are punching any person with a club or fist, denotes quarrels and recriminations.

Latest Dreams About punch

Found 450 dreams with the symbol punch

I dreamt that I wearing a green outfit quit happy but then I heard a girl yelling and someone console her and then my ex boyfriend told me to change but then I didn’t see nothing of it I knew what I was going to change it to a black outfit. Then my ex boyfriend and his son was waiting for me to change in waking life he called me and asked why I broke up with him told I dont want this anymore. He said in waking life he wants to punch in the face when I get married to him why he said that I thought he said that because he felt hurt for what I did but said no that not the reason I got the wrong idea he said what do you think he means and what does the dream means what is the symbolic to the events I mentioned

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