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Meaning of printer in a dream

What is the meaning of printer in my dream?

To see a printer in your dreams, is a warning of poverty, if you neglect to practice economy and cultivate energy. For a woman to dream that her lover or associate is a printer, foretells she will fail to please her parents in the selection of a close friend.

Latest Dreams About printer

Found 8 dreams with the symbol printer

My dream: I was at an airport coming home from idk where but I’m guessing I went solo because I was the only one who came out the gates. And I was worried cuz I didn’t have anyone to pick me up but you were there holding a sign that you were picking me up. And I was confused because how tf did you know I was home?? Anyways you said you were gonna drive me home. We took this big ass sprinter van but it was just you and me and we were coming from JFK cuz it was def New York and on the drive home the back started to shake and all my things started shaking. And I got worried cuz they were gonna come out. And you kept asking what’s in my bag or what am I hiding in the the back. So I jumped to the back and held on my suitcases before they opened. But I didn’t know what was in them and didn’t know why they were shaking or why they were trying to open themselves. You pulled over and went to the back and you grabbed my collar from the back and threw me down towards the front. You unzipped one of the bags and this bright ass yellow light came out and it was like bright as hell like the whole inside of the van was bright white yellow lights and you just stared at it. Then we hear sirens and I’m like “oh shit close it close it” and we heard a knock from outside and it was a bunch of cops waiting for me. I opened it and my parents were there questioning what I’m doing. Your mom was there WITH RAYA and your dad came out the cut running but he had just come from a tennis game cuz he had the little band around his head and sweatbands on his wrists. Then my friends came and surround our sprinter van and I was confused to why everyone was there. The cops told me that I have something very important in those bags and suitcases. And I was like “sir I just came from a trip I don’t have anything bad” and I was highkey tearing up cuz I was so stressed. And everyone was saying to just open it and just step aside. So I hopped off the van and the cop came in and started opening the bag you just opened and when he did this bright ass yellow white light came and lit up the whole van and I had to cover my eyes and you were still in the van covering your eyes from how bright it was. And the rest of the bag started to shake and I told my parents “I don’t know what’s happening I swear I didn’t bring anything from the trip” and the rest of my bags started shaking again and unzipping slowly and more of the yellow and bright lights started to show from the bags and suitcases. The cop just stared into the bag he opened and he said “son you’re good this isn’t for me” and I said “officer I swear I didn’t bring anything bad i just came from a trip” and you you wanted to see what it was but everyone else outside came in the van to see what was the light. And they all did the same thing and stared at it and just walked out. And I stayed outside atp I’m like crying. And you finally got the turn to see and you walked up to it and you looked into the bag and you turn your head slowly towards me and you reach your hand in and the rest of the bags opened up and the whole van glowed like it felt like I was 2 feet away from the sun and it just shined on my face and the bright light just swallowed the whole van and it tried covering my eyes and I screamed in my dream and then I woke up to the bright light of my laptop screen.

I had a dream that maddie and I were getting packed in the car to go to Arizona and we forgot to grab the tickets out of the printer. We had to leave really early in the morning so we were trying to hurry. When we got back home we saw that maddie spelt my mom’s last name wrong “Holtusen” and it’s spelt “Holthusen” (also this is my mom’s maiden name so it was so weird). So we were calling the airport to try to get it fixed and they kept telling us that we had to fix 24 hours in advance. By the time we kinda got it figured out, it was too late. The plane left at 10 and it was 9, but we still had to drive to fargo.

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