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Meaning of pissing in a dream

What is the meaning of pissing in my dream?

To see urine in your dream, represents the feelings you have rejected. Alternatively, the dream may be a pun on your "pissy" attitude. To dream that you are urinating, symbolizes a cleansing and a release of negative or repressed emotions. Depending on your dream context, urination is symbolic of having or lacking basic control of your life. You are literally "pissed off" and not expressing yourself in a positive or constructive manner. To dream that you are urinating in public, symbolizes a lack of privacy in some personal matter. Alternatively, the dream mean that you are trying to establish your boundary and "mark your territory." To dream that someone is urinating on you, means that you are feeling the emotional burden of this person. They are dumping all their feelings on you. Alternatively, the dream symbolizes your lacking sense of self-worth.

Latest Dreams About pissing

Found 5 dreams with the symbol pissing

The bar like at mug shots and I only have 2 beers and I'm driving you home but when I get in the car I feel drunk and I'm afraid of the cops and you have to pee so we are going to stop at Sheetz but all the lights are off Sheetz is closed but rite aid has all the lights on and tons of cars so we pull in there. We walk in and I'm sitting on the counter you tell me to get you cigs and you go to the bathroom. Then all of a sudden like 10 cops show up and they are screaming to get out and I run to the door and a guy is pointing a gun at me so I turn around and run back to you at the bathroom and we are hiding in there and like mili gun shots go off. Then someone comes into the bathroom and they shoot a bunch of shots at us but we don't get shot so we decide to run. We run outside and like the hill district is outside shooting everyone cops drunk kids everyone do we run to Sheetz which is where all these wounded people are. Why we didn't run to your house is still pissing me off like do better dream Kara. Anyways people are still getting shot left and right so I decide the only way we will get away is to go back to rite aid and get my car. So we are booking it to the car jump in and three guys stop us the one guy is shot the other one looks dead and they ask to jump in the car we left them in and go to drive away but the guy puts a gun to my head and says we gave to go to Sheetz. Here we picked up three of the shooters! He makes you try to stop the blood on the guy that's shot and you are freaking and he's threatening to shoot you when a cop shoots the guy through the car window in the head and kills him. So now we are in the car at Sheetz with 2 dead guys and a dude that's bleeding to death. The car looks like pulp fiction at this point and we are covered in blood and guts. Somehow Kim shows up and says we have to get the guy that's still alive help and somehow Sheetz is now like a Red Cross where everyone shot is getting help. We are freaking out saying that the shooters are in the car and no one believes us. They get the guy the car stable and he reaches for the gun points it at me and I wake up.

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