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Meaning of pictures in a dream

What is the meaning of pictures in my dream?

Pictures appearing before you in dreams, prognosticate deception and the ill will of contemporaries. To make a picture, denotes that you will engage in some unremunerative enterprise. To destroy pictures, means that you will be pardoned for using strenuous means to establish your rights. To buy them, foretells worthless speculation. To dream of seeing your likeness in a living tree, appearing and disappearing, denotes that you will be prosperous and seemingly contented, but there will be disappointments in reaching out for companionship and reciprocal understanding of ideas and plans. To dream of being surrounded with the best efforts of the old and modern masters, denotes that you will have insatiable longings and desires for higher attainments, compared to which present success will seem poverty-stricken and miserable. See Painting and Photographs

Latest Dreams About pictures

Found 356 dreams with the symbol pictures

My boyfriend told me there's a kind a ceremony at his place and he asked me to come Then few days after that his mother called me asking me to come help out at the ceremony since I'm the future daughter-in law I came using google map(I didn't tell my boyfriend that I was coming), when I arrived at the gate, I was like I'm not sure if it's the right house, let me call my boyfriend to come out, then he came, saw me, and was happy, we started hugging, and kissing. Then we went inside. I was nervous to meet his parents, especially his dad, but surprisingly his dad was the first person to greet me. Afterwards he took pictures of me with my boyfriend 's mom and little brother Then after I thanked his parents for the warm welcome....... then his dad said to my boyfriend I'll sleep in my boyfriend s little brother's bedroom

I had a dream within a dream Dream 1: Sent naked pictures by mistake to the WhatsApp group and everyone started tweeting about it. I just kept trying to delete them and I couldn’t but eventually I did. And Nikitha texted me asking me what happened and if I was okay. But then I woke myself up to see if it was a dream and only to find out it wasn’t Dream 2: I saved this little boy from his evil dad that would abuse him for being too soft. These people helped me reach defend him against the dad and we won Then I stood up to this bully at a school who kept saying she wants to be raped and I stood up to her and everyone cheered me on And in the dream I was lucid but when I would sleep I’d be taken over by the dream and go along with it. I had full black eyes too

I was sitting with A (my classmate who was my friend years ago but transfered and now we don't talk anymore. He seems a bit similar by facial features to me I guess, I'm not sure). The guy I like S was sitting in the same row as me but right at the back. I suddenly got up and went outside. It was independence day and I picked up some flags from outside, however when I came inside they became tissues. And I distributed it among everyone. When I went to S I was a little nervous and thinking the he's similar to my friend W I got sad but anyways he asked me to give me tissues for his friends N as well (he's close with him). In this whole scene, it was white or off-white. Scene changed and we went to a room to get pictures. However, before that A asked me to wear a saari next day and I remembered it's farewell, but I didn't like it. Here the scene was silver or light grey. Next we went to a dark room to click pictures. I saw S as I was sitting but chose not to sit next to him. My mum was there and she gave me my phone which she is not allowed to and she got scolded by a sir due to it. Next due to something S and a guy in between X who in my dream was my friend whereas in reality X is not someone I know. Anyways S told X that I get good marks in English due to my mum being a teacher in the same school. X asked me and I cleared everything out and was kinda angry at S. S gave a sarcastic smile but in my dream I felt he was jealous cause A asked me out for farewell indirectly. Herethescenewasdark incolour. Whatcouldthisdream possiblyindicate ?

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