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Meaning of pedestal in a dream

What is the meaning of pedestal in my dream?

Support. Position of esteem. Who do you look up to?

Latest Dreams About pedestal

Found 2 dreams with the symbol pedestal

I had this dream every day for like a month, and then without me realizing it it was gone. So the dream starts out with me in my house. I walk into the living room, and see a pedestal with a purple bust on it. In the dream it's sort of normal, but the more and more I'm in the room I realize that, "wait a second....we don't have a bust in our house?" And the bust head starts to come alive subtly. It blinks, turns it's head towards me, and smiles REEEALLY creepily with fangs. The dream usually either ends right there, or the room starts to compress in on itself and I can't get away. I don't know if this is relevent, but I had this dream when I was a young kid/teen. Does this mean anything?

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