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Meaning of patch in a dream

What is the meaning of patch in my dream?

To dream that you have patches upon your clothing, denotes that you will show no false pride in the discharge of obligations. To see others wearing patches, denotes want and misery are near. If a young woman discovers a patch on her new dress, it indicates that she will find trouble facing her when she imagines her happiest moments are approaching near. If she tries to hide the patches, she will endeavor to keep some ugly trait in her character from her lover. If she is patching, she will assume duties for which she has no liking. For a woman to do family patching, denotes close and loving bonds in the family, but a scarcity of means is portended.

Latest Dreams About patch

Found 77 dreams with the symbol patch

First, I was driving on the phone with my boyfriend then I got into a car accident. I tried to call my mom. I tried to call my dad, they didn't pick up. My boyfriend came and got me and I took my car to uncle's car shop. My cousin called and said she needed me to come get her so, I asked my boyfriend if it was play and he said yea. So, we went and got her and then we went to my aunt's house to see our little cousins. After awhile, it was late so we left. My boyfriend took me home and I was talking to my mom and explained all that happened and she said she would handle my car and told me "You should go with your boyfriend " so, I said okay and me and my cousin got back into his car. We went and dropped my cousin off and then went to his friends house where I met his friends, One girl seemed to have a problem with me and went to tell my boyfriend something then he got upset then, she came back to me being rude and I said I was ready to go. So, we left got to his house and went to sleep. The next morning he said his friends wanted to go to a pumpkin patch so we put on matching outfits then we left, while we were at the pumpkin patch the same rude girl kept flirting with him which I thought was disrespectful so, I told her I wanted to fight. Then we left the pumpkin patch and went somewhere where we could fight and we fought. The other girl stopped us and I looked at my boyfriend s friend and his hair was dissappearing then he had the oxygen tubes in his nose and said "I have cancer" so I rushed and helped him to the car and was trying to get my boyfriend to come on but it was like he couldn't hear me. Then his friend with cancer started to drive the car himself so he could get to the hospital and I tried to stop him but it didn't work. Then everybody came over asking what happened and we all got in the car trying to follow him to the hospital but on our way we saw my boyfriend 's car crashed in to a tree and I got out and ran to the car then I woke up

Last night I dreamed that I were killed. I moved to a new city I guess, coz I was together with hundred of people who were checking the area around. But the place was surrounded by electrical wire (similar to a prison garden) and in the middle was a playgound for children. A boy called Niel (about 15 years, he was younger than me there), which I have never seen before even in real life (even the name I’ve never hear) he was the most active in the playground, specially in the night where even professional detectives had to search for him. But he became step by step angrier and had bad habits to not respect people. One morning, it happened that we discovered some dead bodies outside of the camp where we were living (it just stopped to rain and the bodies sat in a water patch) We went to them but it never came out who did it to them (I started then to watch that boy more closely and following him, not physically, more like 2 eyes that were always above him and watching everything he does.) And when I saw his first kill, he started to follow me back physically. I wasn’t stressed until more dead bodies were found, and I stopped to get out of the camp. But the boy was also killing people inside, so nowhere I was safe. Then I should be the next one. And I run and run and run ( I even gave him other people to kill instead of me, maybe he’ll give up on me ). But he didn’t touched them, he just followed me. I searched for a good knife ( I had to choose from my real life kitchen set ) and I gave the knife to someone to kill him for me. But he refused and I took another knife to stabb him. But as many stabbs I wanted to give, the knife didn’t want to get inside him at all. It felt like a glitchy plastic where the knife goes up and down, right and left, just not inside. Then I looked up at him and his face became green and got bigger, I guess he had even horns, and he was smiling at me. Then he run at me (without moving his legs) and stabb me in my chest and neck and let me die while everyone around just stare at me. After this, I don’t remember anything very well, but I had the feeling that I confessed something and I return back to live by wacking up in the real life (full scared,with heart beat, and also I felt I was moving in my bed while running in the dream).

I had a dream that my boyfriend found a new girlfriend and she looked familiar. They were dating right in front of my face. I was in the same bed as my boyfriend and he was talking to his new girlfriend . He said she was his new girlfriend so I went in the bathroom and cleaned myself up and decided the only to get back at him was to suck his dick. So I went back and I was about to get under the blanket and he said wait and told me he was already hanging up in her. She said who’s that and it shows me naked with patches on my chest. Only can see my naked boobs and the patches that had wires connected to my nose. Tori flipped the camera and said I’m with someone that’s when I noticed how I looked. She asked if that was lingerie I was wearing and he said no but I said yes on top of him cause I didn’t want her to know about my patches. Then tori said I mean yes, yeah it lingerie. Then she said whatever and hung up. Somehow niw we are on grandmas couch and he says now we can cuddle ( tori was wearing a silk red robe ) I was facing away from him as a sex position and turned me around to his chest to cuddle. Dream end.

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