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Meaning of parking garage in a dream

What is the meaning of parking garage in my dream?

To dream that you are in a garage signifies a period of inactivity and idleness in your life. You may feel that you have no direction or guidance toward achieving your goals. To dream that you are in parking lot suggests that you may still be on your quest to find your talent or niche where you belong. Alternatively, it may reflect your busy life and the lack of time you have. To dream that you are in a garage signifies a period of inactivity and idleness in your life. You may feel that you have no direction or guidance toward achieving your goals. To dream that you are in parking lot suggests that you may still be on your quest to find your talent or niche where you belong. Alternatively, it may reflect your busy life and the lack of time you have.

Latest Dreams About parking garage

Found 21 dreams with the symbol parking garage

My daughter and I went Into this parking garage to hide my boyfriend s motorcycle. Inside of the garage there were bits, my daughter wasn't feeling good so we laid down in the bed. I tried to call my boyfriend to let him know where we were but I couldn't get a signal. Two men Came in caring a body bag and laid it down on the bed it was my boyfriend who looked to be dead. He had a head injury. I made noise so the two man could see me as I acted like I didn't know what was going on so they wouldn't hurt me and my daughter. I told the two men that I had took a sleeping pill and they left. I notice my boyfriend was in Dad so I got him out of the bed and I called for help. I called my cousin for help but she wanted to stop and get food before helping. She never came for help my boyfriend my daughter and I hid behind a wall

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