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Meaning of pail in a dream

What is the meaning of pail in my dream?

To dream of full pails of milk, is a sign of fair prospects and pleasant associations. An empty pail is a sign of famine, or bad crops. For a young woman to be carrying a pail, denotes household employment.

Latest Dreams About pail

Found 11 dreams with the symbol pail

I saw an old man with long white hair and a long white beard in the clouds of the sky ,at 1st I thought he was a prophet/deciple but then felt he was a wizard he had a mischevious look in his eyes and was looking down at me ,below his cloud was a small brook and a little trinkeling waterfall he guesterd at the brook and then moistened with his hand for me to go into this water ,I said I cannot get up there ,I dont fly ,and he stepped away I waited to see if he returned which he did and had 2 more men with him hhe and 1 of the men ,each held a bucket the other had a scroll and an inkpen,the man tipped his bucket and poured water into the brook and it suddenly turned into a ocean of water and the waterfall became a large rushing waterfall that spilled into the ocean,it was at this point I heard a couple of people gasp and a little kids voice say look we are standing in water ,whered it come from,i looked down at my feet and the water was past my ankles.i looked back up and was pointing upward so the people would see what was up there then the 2nd man with the pail tipped his bucket and also poured it into the ocean which rose even higher and the waves were huge the current was flowing as if a a wild blowing wind of a storm was causing it to become a raging one ,I waved both my arms up to the men and Hollard stop ,god promised no moreflooding the earth the man laughed and said something to the other two men ,the man with the scroll and pen wrote something and as soon as he lifted the scroll up and out the words leaped into the sky and spelled swim ,I shook my head no and said I dont know how to swim the man shrugged his shoulders and tipped his bucket and poured it out again and now the water was up past my waist ,the little kid grabbed ahold of me with a terrified look on his face he went under the water ,as it was up higher than he stood ,I pulled on him and and upward and he came up to the surface ,I quickly pulled him to me and he got up onto my shoulders I heard someone scream stop what are you doing up there ,this isnt funny ,and who are you the man just pointed at us laughing the mann with the scroll wrote again and it said learn to swim ,pray for mercey,or drowned its your choice I was now panicing and out of the corner of my eye ,behind me stood a large tall hill and the mand tipped his bucket to pour out into the water ,I began running up the hill with the boy on my shoulders ,when I got to the top and looked up the ocean became a gigantic waterfall pouring down onto the earth and where we had stood down there,was an ocean raging as id seen it doing in the sky again I screamed stop ,in gods name I demand you to get behind thee ,now and wait for him to judge you but there was only the man with the scroll standing up there then I saw the other 2 men return carrying fishing poles when one of them handed him a pole he dropped the scroll and as it decended downward a lighting bolt flashed and it caught on fire the 3 men casted their lines down into the raging water and it continued to rise ,and I woke up

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