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Meaning of orange in a dream

What is the meaning of orange in my dream?

The color orange in dreams indicates passion in every aspect of your life.

Latest Dreams About orange

Found 465 dreams with the symbol orange

My nephew was with me and my first born boy child where by we witness my neighbors killing someone, we tried to escape but I was unable to help my son and nephew and I went home by the time I was at home by the door I saw my nephew being shot at 2 times an by the time my son was about to get shot I called him and he came as a spirit telling me it's too late the I was crying trying to grab him and I couldn't as he was heading straight to the house where he was killed, so by the time I was going back home I saw a small van 1400 with a colour white, green and blue heading to my place as if it was driven by a woman that I know by the time I get inside the house I was crying as loud as I can but seems like nobody was paying attention at all... So I went straight to my bedroom where I saw a linen of clothes and there was an overall with blue, yellow and orange colour on it, and it looked like I knew the owner of it so I came to the kitchen where I saw my son in a zinc bath with a smoke like he was burning and his arms were shrinking Please respond

Had a dream where i was about to play in a volleyball game here at our home gym. The theme the students were wearing neon orange, kind of like prisoners. I remember this random freshman i was talking to was stressed out about something but i don’t remember what, i don’t even know who she is in real life. Then i remember one of my teammates mom comforting this 10th grader something about her wearing the wrong mascara, she was crying and they were hugging.

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