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Meaning of oath in a dream

What is the meaning of oath in my dream?

Whenever you take an oath in your dreams, prepare for dissension and altercations on waking.

Latest Dreams About oath

Found 15 dreams with the symbol oath

I dreamt that my exhusband, Nick, our kids, and my current boyfriend , Raul, of 4 years went to my exhusbands grandparents house in Iowa. Nicks Grandfather was rocking in a chair and Nick started talking deep with him, mind u grandfather has been dead for years in real life. Raul was there physically in the corner of the room but noone acknowledged his mental presence. Not even him. The kid s and I wander into the kitchen where nick storms in and ripsthe rug off the kitchen floor where we see a huge hole like 15 foot across and nicks grandmother is down there. Grandfather had murdered her with a hammer to the head. Blood and decomposition, the kids saw and i shielded their eyes. I woke up. So the grandparents had switched living/death positions and i was in the presence of my ex whom i loathe. Wtf plz help me understand:/ Shelby

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