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Meaning of necklace in a dream

What is the meaning of necklace in my dream?

For a woman to dream of receiving a necklace, omens for her a loving husband and a beautiful home. To lose a necklace, she will early feel the heavy hand of bereavement.

Latest Dreams About necklace

Found 161 dreams with the symbol necklace

I dreamed I was in a cage with a bear (dark brownish black) I was afraid he was going to hurt me, (it was some kind of Job). He was lay around and than may get up and roar or stand up on two hind legs. Someone was with me, they were small meaning not significate but present. I kept telling people he was going to hurt, they kept say no his isn't, it will be okay, I wrestled with it most of the night I have never dreamed about a bear. I have worn a gold bear necklace symbolizing me as the mother bear over his cubs, I wore a smaller necklace with three baby bears as a symbol of my three children I usually do not dream I recently lost the love of my life, he died 9/9,I have been in deep weeping

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