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Meaning of mouse in a dream

What is the meaning of mouse in my dream?

For a woman to dream of a mouse, denotes that she will have an enemy who will annoy her by artfulness and treachery.

Latest Dreams About mouse

Found 133 dreams with the symbol mouse

I was sleeping with my dog in my parents house. I hear someone in the house although I’m suppose to be alone the sink turns on and off the dresser door opens in my parents room. Bugs and a mouse run fast by their door. I call my twin sister and she isn’t making sense on the phone saying she called mom and dad but they knew she wasn’t dreaming. I get up my dog reluctantly runs in and I follow I have a gold necklace that I’m spinning and there is a gravitational energy pull and then a ghost comes out of their bathroom who is getting ready and angry. I don’t recognize him and I wake up

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