I was looking through a window in my living room and i saw this approximately 13 year old boy who was riding a bright yellow motorcycle and he flew over the gate to my yard. i had a different dog than i do today because the dog from the dream died two years ago. he didn’t bark or atack him and i got mad at the boy for going in my yard si i called my mom. she told him to get out and he took a shoe from our garder, i don’t know how the shoe got there. she didn’t do anything rude except tell him to get out and that frustrated me in the dream so i did. i grabbed him for the back of his shirt put him on his motorcycle and tossed him over the gate, i had super strength i don’t know how, and when he fell on the ground he started crying and i felt guilty. then he said to my mother “yes i agree with you. god is important, because these two (apparently my sister and i) weren’t taught at school” i don’t know how that makes sence. i felt strong regret at the end of the dream. September 23, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I was behind of my dad who is driving his motorcycle in the highway, and people are shouting to us to drive fast because someone is throwing stones in the highway. And then I saw a man who remove his jacket so now he's naked and I am seeing a 2 wholes in his right leg, big and smaller once and our Motorcycle is moving slowly eventhough it is on high speed already. June 13, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis