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Meaning of mire in a dream

What is the meaning of mire in my dream?

To dream of going through mire, indicates that your dearest wishes and plans will receive a temporary check by the intervention of unusual changes in your surroundings.

Latest Dreams About mire

Found 63 dreams with the symbol mire

I dreamt about going to a party and like a professional mixer party. The part was at a super pretty location and as the dream progressed, I saw a call on my phone that I'd missed. On calling that girl back, I heard the girl felt excluded by me in some ways. The girl wasn't close to me at all, we just had a brief professional stint, that's it. I've an acquaintance with that girl in waking life. I assured her it was nothing and returned to getting ready for the party. At the party, I met a lot of people who I knew and didn't know in waking life. It was a usual party scene where people were eating, drinking, laughing, and clicking pictures. I also met a couple of folks who were very successful in waking life. Out of them, one person really caught my attention. It was a guy, who is a very successful entrepreneur in waking life. I admire his work a lot in waking life. A successful young CEO. We started talking and it was great. We clicked pics and we looked great. Later, I saw us eating burgers at my place with his friend and my dog. It felt very familiar and comfortable. The funniest part of the dream is the guy who I dreamt of meeting is someone who makes recurring appearances in my dreams, sometimes as an investor, friend, a romantic partner, and my husband. We hit it off in the dream, but I was a bit guarded about this person seeing other women in the dream.

Soñe que estaba almorzando en el colegio, por lo que estaba sentado en una banca la cual tenia mesas, al momento de almorzar yo estaba viendo videos por mientras comia y de la nada aparece una profesora y las amigas de la chica que me gusta y se sientan a mi lado, no estoy seguro si una de las 3 chicas era la chica que me gusta porque no las mire mucho solo se que eran sus amigas. En ese momento la profesora me dice le molesta si me siento acá y yo le dije que no y de la nada empieza a servir vasos de refresco a todos y una de las chicas le baja el volumen a mi telefono en el cual estaba viendo los videos. 

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