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Meaning of lust in a dream

What is the meaning of lust in my dream?

Eagerness for possession. Unfulfilled in life and need to be satisfied.

Latest Dreams About lust

Found 66 dreams with the symbol lust

"It's a universe and it's fully red and dark with stars, there is a cluster of planets vibrating with high intensity with the moons around them also vibrating, me and my mom are standing in the window of our bedroom looking at it when I tap my finger on the smaller moons and move them away from the main planets and they go away with a trail, then I get to know those moons were holding the planets in a hold blocking them. When I clear the path, a planet that is immensely blue comes swiftly near me and starts bumping me. We frantically run here and there and in the panic I slap the planet away when it breaks into two and a bright blue light emits from within and suddenly I am floating in the air with a tight hold and my body is frozen in that hold. My mom is shouting but in that second I am abruptly taken in the universe leaving a trail of black path behind me"

I was searching for a room to sit down for a while. I entered two rooms. The first one was a room full of mirrors. In that room, the dream looked like real life only darker. I walked out. The second room I entered was cozy but it was not realitic, it looked like a children illustratiin or a elegant cartoon. There was an arm chair in front of a chimney with a beautiful fire. I walked toward the chair to sit there but a orange fox nicely dressed was sitting there. He had no eyes where the eyes should have been.I apologized and asked if I could sit in the room. He said, you can sit if you find a chair. I looked around and there was a chair toward a side wall. Then the fox said: but if you stay and look at the fire, you will loose your sight.

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