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Meaning of lungs in a dream

What is the meaning of lungs in my dream?

You need to find in what ways are you ready to expand outside your normal life because up to now there was only disappointment in desires.

Latest Dreams About lungs

Found 35 dreams with the symbol lungs

I had a dream once where i was at my house with my mom and my cousin. We were all sitting in my moms office watching tv when we suddenly heard the front door open. I remember thinking this was odd because it wasn’t five o’ clock yet and thats when my dad gets home so we knew it wasn’t my dad. My mom said to go check it out so I did and when I got there I remember seeing this old lady with a long nose and was kind of short lady. I think she was a witch. Anyways, when I saw her I just remember my mom, cousin, and I just screaming at the top of our lungs because we didn’t know who she was and then she started chasing us and she caught my mom and cousin first. Then I ran around the house for quiet a while until finally she caught me then I woke up.

The other night I had a two dreams which is a nightmare for me. The first dream I was at my girl friend house then suddenly they were eating I didn't know because I'm in the other room. When I went out to check on them they were eating, suddenly her cousin called we went on the kitchen she game something to me (but i dont remember what it was) and then I started crying badly like I am having a mental breakdown. I was shouting on the top of my lungs. My feeling is that I'm disappointed on my girlfriend because she didn't call me to eat

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