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Meaning of liver in a dream

What is the meaning of liver in my dream?

Sluggishness and bad feelings. This dream denotes unpleasant times and inability to attain comforts that are necessary to those looking to you for subsistence. To dream of a disordered liver, denotes a querulous person will be your mate, and fault-finding will occupy her time, and disquiet will fill your hours. To dream of eating liver, indicates that some deceitful person has installed himself in the affection of your sweetheart.

Latest Dreams About liver

Found 364 dreams with the symbol liver

In reality, I'm unmarried. The dream goes by. I was pregnant with a baby. My brother Abi was buying something as U asked him to in the terrace. I got pain and my mom took over the delivery. I pushed. The baby was laid beside my stomach in the ground and the umblical cord was took out and probably cut. I din remember after that. Shortly after that I was again pregnant with a baby again. I went to terrace in search of Abi to get me something to eat. He wasn't there. But my grandpa was there. I was kinda afraid of him and was leaving. He asked me what I wanted to eat as he was gonna get money from attending a meeting. He will be attending that meeting near our place. No one got that luck to attend it near their place but he got. He will be getting 29,250 from that meeting. I asked him for a rose milk but he said no. So I asked for a badam milk. He said ok. Suddenly I got delivery pain. I shouted for my mom. She came and I pushed out a baby. I holded my mom's had for the 1st baby and my grandpa's hand shortly for the 2nd baby. After waking up I din see my babies. I was shouting and banging the table for the babies. It was like a factory or something. My Mom came out and handed me the baby. Both the babies I pushed out were girls. I was in pain in my stomach. We all went somewhere, near the door or something in the factory like area. There came my husband. He was the actor Ram pothineni. I was in a anger that he din even there for my delivery. I went to him with open handed for a hug and he too. I stopped him before the hug and I hugged him as my mom , grandpa , grandma standing behind me. I head was lying on his shoulder. I was saying him while hugging I din even get to hold his hand during my delivery and I'm in pain in my stomach. He told me let's go home and everything's alright. It's like I was just relying on him for my pain and like love but with love. I'm so confused about what was I thinking then. My mom and grandma took care of babies. While babies were playing I was saying to my husband that were my art or something. And tgey were like or they were twins. Later they said that they were going home and can't spend their time with me. I looked at babies they were not babies anymore. They were running and playing.

I was making a delivery to a jewelry store. When I got there and dropped off the order a bomb suddenly went off. Someone was trying to rob the jewelry store. When the bomb went off and chaos had cleared I found myself impaled with hundreds of steel rods. They hurt but I wasn't bleeding. I sat there in the middle of the jewelry store pulling each metal rod out of my body. There were several in my feet, handfuls in both my legs, some in my butt cheeks, some in my arms, and a couple in my chest. the metal rods came out like giant splitters. I also pulled two artistic style box cutters out of my foot and out of my leg. There was no blood at all but it felt like I was being poked from all over the place on the inside.

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