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Meaning of library in a dream

What is the meaning of library in my dream?

Research. Knowledge. Search for answers in the past. To dream that you are in a library, denotes that you will grow discontented with your environments and associations and seek companionship in study and the exploration of ancient customs. To find yourself in a library for other purpose than study, foretells that your conduct will deceive your friends, and where you would have them believe that you had literary aspirations, you will find illicit assignations.

Latest Dreams About library

Found 115 dreams with the symbol library

In my dream, I was in some kind of library. There was a big window on my left side, and the sun light was very bright. I can understand it was morning. I am reading a book and find a poem in it. As I read, I realize that it is a poem that I've written. I find it very beatiful, the most beautiful poem I've ever written. Then I realize I am in a dream. I say to myself "I wish I can remember this poem when I wake up". But i couldn't remember it when I wake up.

I had a dream that I was at a high school, it had maybe a very mild resemblance to my school. And the school down by the football field for some reason had a beach. And this seal kept jumping out of the water to scare us. I was saying in my dream, "It has to stay in the water it can't hurt us". And then it popped out of the water can and started chasing me and some other person (I forgot or don't know who they were). It chased us up a ramp that led to the main school area. It started attacking everybody. I and the person I was with split up somehow, and I was hiding with multiple other people in some little room connected to the library. Then, (I forgot why) I decided to leave the building and hide behind the library. There was like a little narrow area between the library and this fence. So I stayed there for a bit. Soon enough, I decided to go back to the library room and I found everyone in there dead. There were multiple bodies scattered around the rest of the school too. I don't know now when or how, but at some point, it was a dog, and not a seal anymore. Some kind of golden retriever-looking dog. It continued causing chaos until some one I forgot whether it was me or someone else had a bow and arrow pointed at the dog, and was about to kill it. This was in front of the library as well. Then I don't get why but everyone started agreeing that it shouldn't be killed. So it wasn't killed and was just being treated like normal after killing so many students. After that I don't remember much other than that we were at some outside assembly or all the remaining people were just sitting in rows outside on the grass.

I went out with friends to a place kind of like a library and was taking photos. When a friend who works there showed us the old library. Then as it was late while leaving the door closed and got locked when one friend was inside. I rushed to tell her as she worked here and would have keys. I accompanied with her went back up to the room. We went to help a friend locked in a room and we saw he was chased by a snake. Then we saw that there were few more people in the room. While trying to get him out with the help of another friend I saw the big snake go to other corner where other people were hiding so we lured the snake to other direction but we accidentally let the big snake get out of room as well. We ran to different directions. But there were many small snakes on the way. When i was hiding from the big snake, watching if it coming a small snake was trying to curl on my hand I got it off my hand. It stood on its tail facing me and I woke up.

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