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Meaning of lazy in a dream

What is the meaning of lazy in my dream?

To dream of feeling lazy, or acting so, denotes you will make a mistake in the formation of enterprises, and will suffer keen disappointment. For a young woman to think her lover is lazy, foretells she will have bad luck in securing admiration. Her actions will discourage men who mean marriage.

Latest Dreams About lazy

Found 18 dreams with the symbol lazy

I dreamt the little me and my family was gathering in the one room. the light was so dim. i dont know what room is that. but there's a few chairs, i'm sitting on the lazy chair. my parents sitting on the eating table. my cousins, my uncles, my auntie were there too. but even they're smiling, for me it's not like they smile happily. and then, i go to the bathroom. in the bathtub, there's a girl ghost, with long hair, it suddenly appear from the water. i'm surprised, i want to cry, but she's smiling at me. and then, i walk again to that room which my family gathered. when i went inside, there's fire everywhere. i'm so panicked. i told them to get out from that room, but they're not listening to me. and then i started crying. but they're still calm down. and then i woke up crying heavily

This seemed to be loosely based off of Caroline and a circus, it also felt like I had been here before either in a dream before or it was just a random memory from this dream. Basically I was running literally for my life through this puzzle. Certain rooms include crossing a bridge with a huge drop underneath, a long maze hallway with light twitching, tree house like rope course which things would fall apart as you went. While going through these rooms a woman was chasing me. I finally found the final room and I ran inside. I remember the room being filled with lots of colors, the walls went from blues, purples, pinks, yellows, and more with designs like spirals, dots, zig zags. On the ground were a bunch of pillows matching parts of the wall and there were a couple of mirrors around me. I actually knew what would happen next, again as if I’ve done this before. Then the girl appeared in the room holding a butcher knife. I remember a conversation we had but not exactly what we said. It was about the fact that this was the final room for me to do and the girl would give me a puzzle, since I've done this before I think I had either known I couldn’t beat the puzzle or I was too tired/ lazy to do it. So instead I decided to annoy the girl so maybe she’d just let me go. She ended up getting really really mad at me and took the knife and sliced it in between my left shoulder and neck. I didn’t wake up immediately though. The person pushed the knife into me further. It didn’t hurt, I even remember these exact words in my mind “Why doesn’t it hurt?” Yet I was still wincing in pain. After the knife was pushed down to my stomach I finally woke up.

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