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Meaning of jar in a dream

What is the meaning of jar in my dream?

To dream of empty jars, denotes impoverishment and distress. To see them full, you will be successful. If you buy jars, your success will be precarious and your burden will be heavy. To see broken jars, distressing sickness or deep disappointment awaits you.

Latest Dreams About jar

Found 32 dreams with the symbol jar

In the dream i was sitting at a table with a girl i used to be in love with. i felt butterflies with her next to me. she asked me to grab her a banana. i go upstairs ending up in my parent's bedroom but the girl's mother is in the room. i ask her for a banana and she tells me to look in her bag. in her bag there is a lot of things but i notice first a clear jar with a big green rainforest frog. i wanted to pick it up but i didn't. when i looked in the bag there were many yellow bananas. i grabbed one. i don't remember giving the girl the banana but i believe i did.

I found myself at my childhood house on my fathers side. I wanted to buy it for sentimental reasons. As I looked at the house form the outside parts of it were falling apart in rubble. there was a bear in one of the rubbled rooms. Later I seen a lion and another zoo animal. I happened to think that the zoo was nearby and some of the animals must have escaped. I went into the house and there were old relics there from our home years ago. Most I didn't recognize but a ceramic jar which was now cracked. I went into the kitchen of the home and a realtor was there. As I was talking to her about trying to fix the home I turned around and my father was there. He still had hair and it was black and he had a neatly groomed beard, which he never wore in life. He looked young and healthy and smiled at me. I turned and hugged my father and cried a little as I was so happy to see him. I turned to the realtor and whispered to her; "you don't understand, my dad has been dead for about ten years and I am so happy to see him." I didn't want him to hear as I was afraid if he did hear me, he would have to leave. I looked at the realtor and asked her if the city was giving out any money to help fix dilapidated buildings and she said no, but I could have it for the back taxes.

A jar full of a liquid that is eaten with food in which is generally within my culture was in the classroom. Us asians, with a guy who I never talk to anymore and another who I talked to for two days and had a lot of fun, were excited about it. The whole class laughed when I said out loud that the jar was labeled instant cock. Suddenly I was washing dishes in front of the class, carefully explaining how washing dishes was similar to life. As I came across a large amount of dishes in my way, I felt overwhelmed. Then, I was teleported to a table. Tony was sitting behind me. I said to myself "You have her, and you'll kill him." I started bawling and crying like crazy. Tony comforted me, rubbing my back as an attempt that was obviously in vain. He tried so hard to make me feel better as I was in his arms.When I stopped crying, he looked at my face, but I looked away. I woke up.

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