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Meaning of iron in a dream

What is the meaning of iron in my dream?

Rigidity. Endurance. Need to stand firm. To dream of iron, is a harsh omen of distress. To feel an iron weight bearing you down, signifies mental perplexities and material losses. To strike with iron, denotes selfishness and cruelty to those dependent upon you. To dream that you manufacture iron, denotes that you will use unjust means to accumulate wealth. To sell iron, you will have doubtful success, and your friends will not be of noble character. To see old, rusty iron, signifies poverty and disappointment. To dream that the price of iron goes down, you will realize that fortune is a very unsafe factor in your life. If iron advances, you will see a gleam of hope in a dark prospectus. To see red-hot iron in your dreams, denotes failure for you by misapplied energy.

Latest Dreams About iron

Found 204 dreams with the symbol iron

I had a dream where I was somewhat lucid I couldn't gain control of the situation around me. I went through 3 environments. In the first one, I was in my school's sports uniform and my school team, I saw them having some sports competition with another random school. I did not participate. Rather, I was hanging out with a few unknown people. I met two children, presumably siblings as they looked alike. They were nice kids. I remember hastily asking them if I was in a lucid dream or not. They asked, "are we?? Well I'm not. I dont know." i attempted to ask a clever question, "how much do you know about my planet?? I'm from Saturn!" They couldn't reply to it with something I wanted. But I assumed i was lucid dreaming. Afterwards, a snowfall suddenly occured. It was unnaturally fast, and i saw the mountains behind collecting snow quickly.

I had a dream that all I remember were the colors in it. I was wearing a dress that blended in with the colors and all I could really see were my feet dancing in the sand. I could feel the sand. Layered from bottom to the top was beautiful a sandy tan brown color, a barely light pink color and extremely light blue. They were so beautiful and I had the best peace of mind and contentment I'd ever had before. I was happy with everything in my life. I could also feel warmth but cool comfortable warmth. My dress which blended me in with the environment surrounding me was ankle length airy with spaghetti straps; very casual beach like. I woke up with the best feeling and state of mind I have ever had in my entire life.

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