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Meaning of invitation in a dream

What is the meaning of invitation in my dream?

Commitment. New opportunities.Ready for change. Quarrels within the family.

Latest Dreams About invitation

Found 24 dreams with the symbol invitation

I crow flys over my head and drops a note in front of me with my name with a necklace and a invitation and when i put the neclice around my neck crows picked me up and took me to a house with the address from the letter and when i enter i walked up these stairs to a sorta observatory and saw this old women a black panther looking things i could make out what its looked like honstly i gave her the note i had and she said that this cat is mine and in way bailed on me and disappeared in smoke when i woke up i also was female and a kistune and after that for 8 days everything in th house had a awful grudge where i littraly felt like they wanted to kill me over and over again and it was like i was in hell with the suffering but the cat allways seem to be there like it know what was going on but also seem to say i have to let it play out like i needed to be done or something

I walked into my house after getting a special invitation from my teacher to participate in a writing contest. After I walked in, the news immediately came on and talked about a guy using a little puppy as a body bag my removing all of its bones and using the bones as a pillow. Freaked out by this, I went to my room and saw a video game version of "Wheel of Fortune" on my bed. I shrugged and put it into my console. After the game loaded up I saw a wheel with one half consisting of buzz saws and the other half consisting of sharks. There were boarders separating them. The boarders then broke and a bunch of blood filled up the wheel until I woke up.

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