My brother had been sexually abusing me. My mom did not believe me and believed my brother was innocent since he was younger than me. I ended up taking him to court and he was found guilty and was punished meanwhile I was free to live on and me and my mom never made up. July 15, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis
I was wandering on a cruise ship and I found a secret room on the deck. Inside it, there was a beautiful but terrifying black panther. I looked at it in awe but was afraid of it so circled to the back of the room and the panther escaped out of the room and ran around the deck of the ship. The panther ended up mauling someone to death. The cruise ship security guards went searching for the guilty party who let the panther out of the room, but they did not catch me. I was able to lie my way through it and get away with everything, but I felt guilty and sad about the innocent person that died. November 08, 2019 > Read Dream Analysis
I had a dream I was an attorney representing a femal guilty client who murdered another girl she met at a truck stop. She tried to take a plea deal but it fell through so it had to go to trail. I new she was guilty but was in charge of trying to find information that would prove her innocent. I kept having to carry around actual dog poop as it was her evidence. The girl she murdered was a girl she was having sex with. Not sure it matters but the plaintiff was a beautiful black woman and she had a large family who believed her to be innocent. November 26, 2017 > Read Dream Analysis