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Meaning of inheritance in a dream

What is the meaning of inheritance in my dream?

To dream that you receive an inheritance, foretells that you will be successful in easily obtaining your desires. See Estate.

Latest Dreams About inheritance

Found 10 dreams with the symbol inheritance

I have a sister that hates me. My father died and she took my inheritance from me along with my brother's. I had his power of attorney and she took him to another town and had him make her his power of attorney along with the executress of his will. I dreamed that we were on a bridge, a very high bridge in a car in which she was driving. Cars were backed up and people could not get by.The cars were not moving. She maneuvered the car around the others and she started driving up the bridge. A black dog was running in front of the car. I looked ahead and saw that a span of the bridge was gone and I started screaming for her to let me out . The doors were locked and I could not get out . I pushed and pushed on the door but I could not get out. I looked art her face and it had the most demonic look and the most evil smile I have ever seen on her face. I yelled at her ..you want to kill me and I woke up. I can't get this dram out of my head. I have tried communicating to her by phone, emails and mail but she will not respond to me. All I would like for her to do is to give me and my brother our inheritance. I don't hate her. I have prayed and asked god to help me remove this bitterness from my heart. All I want is justice for me and my brother.

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