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Meaning of influence in a dream

What is the meaning of influence in my dream?

If you dream of seeking rank or advancement through the influence of others, your desires will fail to materialize; but if you are in an influential position, your prospects will assume a bright form. To see friends in high positions, your companions will be congenial, and you will be free from vexations.

Latest Dreams About influence

Found 25 dreams with the symbol influence

Business Person To dream of a business person represents an aspect of yourself that is well organized, adept, or an expert in thinking a certain way. An area of your life where you are well read, serious, or capable of being very sophisticated. Homeless Person To dream of a homeless person represents an aspect of your personality that has experienced total failure. An area of your life that you have totally lost control of or that's completely powerless. Alternatively, being homeless in a dream may reflect anxiety about financial hardship or low confidence in your future. Example: A man dreamed of being surrounded by homeless people. In waking life he had just lost a competition at his work place and lost out on a opportunity to be promoted. Example 2: A young woman dreamed seeing a homeless man with his hands out begging. In waking life she was dumped by her boyfriend and would have done anything to have him back. Example 3: A woman dreamed of being homeless. In waking life she was pregnant and having anxiety about going broke supporting the baby. Dead Body To dream of a dead body represents feeling about an area of your life that has completely changed. It may also reflect a loss or sense of failure. A transition or ending. Positively, a dead body may represent negative aspects of your personality or negative situations that have been successfully confronted. You have stood up to something or resisted negative influences. The end of an era. Negatively, a dead body may represent positive aspects of your personality that have been overcome by negative emotions or situations. A mistake or failure may have spoiled an area of your life. The end of a relationship or something happy in your life. Feeling replaced. Feelings about experiencing a permanent loss of some kind. Feeling that there is nothing left you can do to keep a situation going. To dream of trying to hide

I just had the weirdest dream. So I dreamed of small four black rats much like the ones in the Cinderella story.They were helping me and they were my pets. Usually in real life I wouldn't go anywhere near rats, but in the dream I was glad to know they were helping me. Anyways things had started to go south soon enough. Someone (i don't remember who. The dream is kind of fading away now) warned me about the rats and influenced me to kill them. But I remember arguing with that person because I didn't enjoy the idea of killing an animal. However, I did it anyways in the end. After seeing the rats eat and just when the night got darker and everyone was drifting off to bed, I ended up successfully suffocating the rats with a white pillow. For some reason I felt relief because whatever danger was coming that I was told about was now over. But then the rats came back as ghost after the lights turned on. They were angry and haunting me and threatening to nibble at my feet. For some reason I thought that if I pretended to mourn over their death they would leave me alone. It worked or it didn't because I don't remember much now. I woke up very quickly after that feeling very confused and disturbed. I never have a dream like this so I'm kind of weirded out now and I was hoping to know what this means.

Well, it wasn't much of a dream as it was...something dream related. I can't remember my dream but I was sleeping in a cottage in Lakefield for summer vacation, I woke up the next day and the first words that I heard echoing in my head were, Demon Lord Ghirahim. I never really thought much about him nor did I care much about him, like at all. But an unknown curiously came over me which soon progressed to love, even thought he was a fictional character, I loved him no matter what others told me. I've changed and progressed more like his character both physically and mentally :Narcissistic and psychotic. My life has been strange ever since. I've had dreams were he's swept me off my feet, kidnapped me and taken me to his castle, despite his evil persona. Other times it's been a case of Paralysis dreaming. I've also been having dreams about that cabin where I first found myself loving him. I figure I might have had a dream that night that could have inspired this influence, that I cherish ever day. There is A LOT to this but these are the basics, sorry for this monologue, but I really want to know about my superstitious relationship...

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