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Meaning of indifference in a dream

What is the meaning of indifference in my dream?

To dream of indifference, signifies pleasant companions for a very short time. For a young woman to dream that her sweetheart is indifferent to her, signifies that he may not prove his affections in the most appropriate way. To dream that she is indifferent to him, means that she will prove untrue to him.

Latest Dreams About indifference

Found 5 dreams with the symbol indifference

I was in the hallway of my high school. The walls were blue and yellow. A funky bookshelf was against the wall. I was calmly talking to Savion. As the dream progressed I began to sob hysterically. I was crying and pleasing for him not to leave me, to which he responded with an air of indifference. He walked away, down the stairs. I was on my knees, crying, when Johnnie came and kneeled fown next to me. He wrapped an arm around me and tenderly placed a hand on my shoulder. After a short while he started running it throygh my hair. He told me in hushed whispers about how he would never leave me. He said, quieter than everything else, so i wasn't sure i heard him right, that he loves me. That he had loved me for a ling time. I looked up at him, and asked, in a quiet voice, "do you really?" He nodded with a small smile and reached over to hold my hand, which was now resting on my lap

I was in the hallway of my high school. The walls were blue and yellow. A funky bookshelf was against the wall. I was calmly talking to Savion. As the dream progressed I began to sob hysterically. I was crying and pleasing for him not to leave me, to which he responded with an air of indifference. He walked away, down the stairs. I was on my knees, crying, when Johnnie came and kneeled fown next to me. He wrapped an arm around me and tenderly placed a hand on my shoulder. After a short while he started running it throygh my hair. He told me in hushed whispers about how he would never leave me. He said, quieter than everything else, so i wasn't sure i heard him right, that he loves me.

Keep having dreams where my wife is treating me horribly. Been happening for a few weeks but the two most recent: Dream hanging out in a room with two other younger cool guys. One starts telling me I don't deserve her, I put up with it as they're guests of my wife (work colleagues I feel in the dream) but I look to her to discredit their attack and she seems to want it to keep happening, I threaten violence and tell her if you believe their attack than why are we together and I give her an ultimatum to stop them or I will either kick their ass and/or why are we together if she feels this way. I say why don't we just give up and I say if you feel this way just take off your ring, all this us happening in front of the two guys who are egging her to do it. She fiddles with the ring but doesn't seem ready just yet to take it off. I grab one of the guys by the chest (although he's shirtless for some reason now), the main one who seems to love her, and I throw him across the room. His friend jumps in and I grab by the shirtless chest again and punch him repeatedly in the face. I then toss him aside and feel non threatened by both but start worrying that I'm now going to be kicked out if the country as I am Canadian (I am in real life) and just assaulted someone. The entire dream is very frustrating and I don't understand why my wife is acting so unloving and indifferent. She also seems younger in the dream the guys are younger and I'm my current age. 2nd dream just happened and I'm for some reason living with my wife (again younger like when I first met her) wife another man in my old basement suite of my parents house that I used to live (in real life) in before moving to college. In the dream the other man is a cool dj and I think he's really cool as well and I like him personally but I only act like I'm ok with this arrangement relationship to be with my wife. I see them together and I feel extremely sad less frustration. I eventually tell her that I can't do this anymore and that I love her and hope she would choose me but she doesn't and at this point she then begins to question everything about me that I in real life) think make me cool and desirable and that those don't really impress her. She even goes so far as to ask me if a business I started in college (real business that I stopped doing right before I met her) even happened. At this point there are now three other people witnessing this situation I'm shattered by my wife's lack of any love at all and indifference to me not wanting to be in this three way relationship anymore and I dial up a friend that (in real life and in the dream) can vouche for the business and hand the phone to her. He does but it doesn't change anything and I then notice my partner (in real life) who I started the business (and us a close friend in real life) is one of the people witnessing this and I lash out at her as she is agreeing with my wife on my lameness and I'm yelling at her in frustration as to why don't you have my back and why didn't you speak up when my wife questioned the existence of our company.

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