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Meaning of ice cream in a dream

What is the meaning of ice cream in my dream?

To dream that you are eating ice cream, foretells you will have happy success in affairs already undertaken. To see children eating it, denotes prosperity and happiness will attend you most favorably. For a young woman to upset her ice cream in the presence of her lover or friend, denotes she will be flirted with because of her unkindness to others. To see sour ice cream, denotes some unexpected trouble will interfere with your pleasures. If it is melted, your anticipated pleasure will reach stagnation before it is realized.

Latest Dreams About ice cream

Found 119 dreams with the symbol ice cream

We have been given the task of completing our projects in school, I was done with my project and gave for checking to sir but sir said you all have to make an activity book also I was have my activity book with cover, but sir told me not to write anything on it I will give you, As I was about to speak shreyash mom come inside saying if he is done with his project then can I take him, but then sir told about activity also then I showed my my book to shreyash mom, sir said, like this also the school bell ranged, all students were going out of the class then I too packing my bag and almost out, but then I saw my love, shreyash , sharayu and sanhita was taking together , putting hands on each other,photos and sir too with them sir came to and they were still continuing , I went for photo as well saying lets take photo together but sharayu said, school is over you should go, I felt bad , they cannot take a photo with me, I ran down , tears in my see and I went back ground , then my love saw me setting alone he came to me , I turned my head and opened one of my book as I was soon to cry, he look at me I could not resist I said I am going he hold my hands and I stared crying, he said what to cry in that, I said I am fine you can go , he said I know why you crying, then I said, if you know then why you are standing he sat beside me and said you want to take photo right, I said it usual I usually take photos whats in it? then he said , no with me. I said, you don't care about never listening to me Why I will take photos, I was crying badly, he hugged me and took photos with me. And we were back to the ground I saw my van uncle left me and then I was sad again I said, to my love to give his phone to me to call , but he did't , he you can call from reception and I called my father , after few minutes he was back and as soo as my love was going father saw him and stared talking to him, I dont know why I think about scooty or cycle.... and then his friend mandar came they both were going together , but I said to wait and my father also see here's ice cream its nice they waited and we eated but they both did liked that I didt had it because I was unwell, but as soon as they eated they slipted, but my father liked it , also I was sad there I came home , then I saw that my van uncle was already there for some resnos also my pt teacher, van uncle said your pt teacher wants to talk to you, i said yes what it is? you have your match today but you have missed , i was sad again oh no, but you have your other events as well 200m and relay come with me to schoolnow for practice annd you can come to school anytime for practice. There was the birthday party of one student of one of our junior he invited us but I was sad again discussing about I dont have feild where I can practice then my friend sharayu said There is one building over there I has soil ground you can ask over there for practice, and then practice , I said fine, whenever I use to go was practice society members used to say that about me, but the head incharge said its fine . she is just for practice.

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