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Meaning of hops in a dream

What is the meaning of hops in my dream?

To dream of hops, denotes thrift, energy and the power to grasp and master almost any business proposition. Hops is a favorable dream to all classes, lovers and tradesmen.

Latest Dreams About hops

Found 65 dreams with the symbol hops

I was at an athletics meet and this crowd dancing formation thing happens where we are in lines, dancing and moving across the field. Then some lady tells me to tie my hair up and "where are your parents you need to tie that up" and i say no a few times and "what is the reason?". Then I go to my parents in the warmup area and my old friend's mum (I'm seeing the friend soon in real life) is there but she seems to ignore me a bit. I'm debating when to warm up. Suddenly I see a shop, two of my favourite jewellery shops mixed together and go in with mum but the stuff is all really bad and weird and expensive and it seems more like a reject shop. As I walk out I hear the lady speaking Indonesian to some man. When mum meets me outside she bought a baby with star eyes for $90 that the lady convinced her to buy so I express my disapproval of the baby and she returns it. Then I see my old taekwondo friend makayla and these two random girls tell me to follow them and I sit on the bench with them. They tell me this boy likes me and they saw my old coach and asked him about it. Then this police car smashes into the back of the chair, the chair is lifted up but we are all fine.

There is an alley full of shops of goldsmiths and workers. Next to that is a vertical mine, about the width of a pipe. It's full of star and heart shaped sand and dust. I end up at the entrance and enter for n apparent reason. I squeeze in, it's very dark and narrow and it feels like I can't breath anymore. My throat dries up completely. There is sand and rocks all around me, yet still I try to traverse that narrow, suffocating tunnel by crawling. Then the air gets so thin and I can't breathe. But still I manage to get to relatively open space, and I breathe in all the dust. I choke. But then I see a crevice in front of me with a natural magnetic stone because priceless coins are sticking to it. I pick up some of these coins and somehow manage to get out, I don't know how. Once I get out, I'm out of breath but well enough. I can see a hill behind me, and a very small hole. That's where I came out from, I think to myself. I get up and start walking back home, but I meet up with a family member on my way back. They ask me if I'm doing well. I just hold up my hands and tell them that I got them stars. Because the star shaped sand from inside in sticking to my palms. They get very happy and ask me where I always got it from. I just smile and then I faint, ending up back home. Then I wake up distressed

A race thingy, somewhere that looks like Italy. he and i were rushing he had to change his clothes in the back and tossed me the keys to drive. i was nervous but we gotta get going already, so i drove. Then a short while later when our opponents were catching up from the back, he asked me to go faster. I was doing like 120-140km/h and fucking scared because i never drove so fast plus it’s in those narrow lanes with like shops set up on the road. Then he was trying to calm me down and helping me watch out for traffic. we survived haha

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