I dreamt a dude touched my chest and then I slapped him across the face,he then looked at me shocked and slapped my butt.I was so upset and I threw a punch in his direction,but he kept dodging them ,as if he was a fighter himself. My punches also felt very weak and I was feeling very embarrassed in the dream while fighting. Then at the end of the fight we shook hands . I was so confused cuz I was defending myself but now it seemed like a friendly fight?? September 05, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
I was going through some kind of training and we were hooking up circuit, this guy comes over to put bugs into circuit for us to troubleshoot and fix, he comes over and smashes my brand new iPhone 15 on purpose, which sets me off, somehow the instructor took his side and expelled me from class and put me on do not teach restriction, so I started walking to the front office to get this guys name so I could sue and get my money back October 20, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis
Dream that my pastor looked old and when I introduced my brother while holding hands with him but he didn’t know that it was really my brother and my pastor looked extremely old and ugly like a dead corpse his face but after they shook hands and smiled he turned back to his original face but then looked old again when they were both playing chess September 10, 2023 > Read Dream Analysis