Understand My Dreams

Meaning of homicide in a dream

What is the meaning of homicide in my dream?

To dream that you commit homicide, foretells that you will suffer great anguish and humiliation through the indifference of others, and your gloomy surroundings will cause perplexing worry to those close to you. To dream that a friend commits suicide, you will have trouble in deciding a very important question. See Kill.

Latest Dreams About homicide

I was being stalked by two different men around my school but was not kidnapped due to the fact that I ran inside my school for help. At the same time, I dreamed that I was walking with my mother when we saw police officers. Supposedly there was a homicide but instead of the officer putting the body on a stretcher, he had the wrapped dead body on his shoulder sitting up. I turned away to see several nuns and they were sacrificing a thin, lanky ginger dressed in all black. They hung her and threw her over a bridge. She was screaming horrifically then she died. I woke up.

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