Understand My Dreams

Meaning of gymnasium in a dream

What is the meaning of gymnasium in my dream?

To dream that you are in a gymnasium, indicates that you need to apply what you learned and incorporate what you already know into your daily life. (from dreammoods.com) To dream that you are in a gymnasium, indicates that you need to apply what you learned and incorporate what you already know into your daily life. (from dreammoods.com)

Latest Dreams About gymnasium

I was in a school gymnasium. shiny floors of the basketball court... red and white line markers on the floor of the court. i am standing in the middle of the gymnasium, the bleachers are full of people. I can see them, notice their clothes and feel that I know who they are... however, I cannot see any of their faces. They have blank faces. Like skin pulled down over them or something. No features, just flat skin colored faces.They do have their hair, I believe... though none stood out that I recall. In front of me is a man in all black. pants, long sleeves, and a black ski mask. He has a knife... a jagged edge knife like a hunting knife or something. He is repeatedly stabbing my mother who is hunched over and dressed in some sort of dress or long skirt and long sleeves. I cannot see my mothers face but I knew it was her. I start screaming and trying to run towards them but cannot move. All of a sudden, an old friend from school 3-12th grade friend, Cory was beside me with his arm around me as though he were comforting me. His face was the only one I could see in the whole nightmare. All of a sudden, my mother drops to the floor and lots of blood. The man swings his head up and looks at me straight in the eyes. I can see his medium brown almond shaped eyes. the skin around them was of a light brown color. He lunged towards me to come after me and I was able to turn and run - this is where I woke up. When I woke up, I was hysterical and as if in another world. one that I couldnt get out of. My roommates say I satt in the closet for three days. Rocking and crying and talking about my mother being dead and that he was coming for me. All I remember is that anytime I would close my eyes, it would continue so I didnt want to go to sleep. The next thing I know, or realize, or came to... so to speak... I was standing in the kitchen cooking macaroni on the stove and my friend was standing there looking at me and asking what I was doing. I dont remember coming out of this state at all. If three people hadnt told me and were all very serious about the fact that I had been in the closet freaking out for three days and nobody could calm me down or get me out of that place or state I was in.... I wouldnt believe it. I didnt think I had been there for three days, nor did I remember a lot of what they said I was doing... All I know is what I felt and what seemed so real to me to this day. I usually dont remember details like these from my dreams/nightmares... this one didnt feel like a dream... it felt like reality. people continue to tell me it was only a dream, but all I can say is that I have never had a dream feel like this or put me into such a scary and helpless place. I never EVER want to go there again. This was when I was 18yrs old. Since, my mother has passed from alcoholism when I was 33.I am 40 now.

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