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Meaning of fog in a dream

What is the meaning of fog in my dream?

To dream of traveling through a dense fog, denotes much trouble and business worries. To emerge from it, foretells a weary journey, but profitable. For a young woman to dream of being in a fog, denotes that she will be mixed up in a salacious scandal, but if she gets out of the fog she will prove her innocence and regain her social standing.

Latest Dreams About fog

Found 43 dreams with the symbol fog

I was wearing black and gray clothings standing on a tall column. Doubtful to free fall kept telling myself no it will happen go.. i did and nearly half way down I turned into a raven ! And down there in the fog were two group of species one humans and the other, rock people who had lava in cracks of their faces and bodies. I as a bird flew above their heads and when i got close to the rock people it seemed like i was loosing my powers and i landed in my human version near by one of the rock people. I also had these orange circles on both of my palms and i could shoot fire with my hands. As i landed, i had lost all of my powers, my legs were heavy and I couldn’t run away from the old rock person who was getting closer with a freaky laugh saying you are now a hell member and touched me on my arm. That spot turned black. And that was it.

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