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Meaning of ferret in a dream

What is the meaning of ferret in my dream?

Interpretation of a dream about a ferret represents a person or situation in our lives that we cannot trust. Ferrets symbolize cunning and two-faced behavior. Resolving dreams about ferrets symbolizes people who are able to lie to us inside and smile at us at the same time. Another ferret-related solution actually represents our behavior toward the environment that is treacherous.

Latest Dreams About ferret

Found 19 dreams with the symbol ferret

I was due to look after a farm and was being shown round. We met a work colleague who was looking after two ferrets on the farm. He allowed them to feed by going in to his stomach and eating the contents.when they were finished they came out. I continued the farm tour with the anonymous farmer. I became aware that a young ferret was crawling up my body trying to feed from me but I wouldn't let it. It was scratching and biting as it tried to climb up my body to feed. I then woke up.

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