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Meaning of fears in a dream

What is the meaning of fears in my dream?

To dream that you feel fear from any cause, denotes that your future engagements will not prove so successful as was expected. For a young woman, this dream forebodes disappointment and unfortunate love.

Latest Dreams About fears

Found 25 dreams with the symbol fears

I have had the same type of dream since I was young. It starts with me waking up, in a bed that's not mine but still familiar. A man, his face obstructed, sleeps next to me. He is warm, I feel safe near him. He wakes up and suddenly I remember why we must hide our love. It's always a different reason. But the danger remains. I try to convince him to leave, I tell him I'm not worth his death. He dismisses my fears. However soon, another man, this one dark and cold kills my love in front of me. He offers me a choice, love me or die. I would rather die than be with him. He always kills me in a horrible and painful fashion. My death always has different excuse; witch, traitor, whore. I wake up feeling my wounds.

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