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Meaning of favor in a dream

What is the meaning of favor in my dream?

To dream that you ask favors of anyone, denotes that you will enjoy abundance, and that you will not especially need anything. To grant favors, means a loss.

Latest Dreams About favor

Found 206 dreams with the symbol favor

I had a dream in this dream i was in school then it was time for me to leave,so when i started off i was in a blue car and my lecturer was the one driving me,then behind there was another car with my siblings in it Following me,so the road we were driving on was narrow,it required a lot of work to drive through the road,so what haooened was at some point the car just stopped moving then my lecturer left and said he is coming kanshi he went back to his office,in the road we were moving it was like a passage again because in the sides there were offices,so i came out of the car trying to find a way for how the car was going to pass and while i was doing that there was a guy passing so i called him and asked him to help me push the car but he started trying to flirt with me he was a humanizer so i got upset and chased him and i reported to the other girls he was flirting with,that's how the guy left in anger,so after he left the road became well to drive through and i went back up to call my lecturer so when i went to his office what he said was "my favorite student is here" then i told him that we can go now the car can move,so we went back to the car he continued driving and both the car that was behind with siblings in it was also able to move.so when we started leaving my lecturer told me to start calling my parents that they can come get me now aswel

I was in my favorite anime and hiding from the villain as he was looking for me.An old couple came our way so he went to greet them but the lady disregarded and insulted him because her husband cheated on her.He took then away from the crowd and killed them. I was also with the lady as I was trying to console her. When I saw him killing them i tried to run away but he got me and was going to hurt me but I got saved by another character who slashed the villain but in the process I fell into a pool and started to drown since I did not know swimming. A strange girl with a teddy came to help me and as she reached me she started hitting the teddy saying it couldn't save me. She then extended her arm and in the process her fake nails hit against the platform making her annoyed.So I offered to get her and her friends an appointment for their nails. Suddenly the girl and her friens started stabbing whoever was not in their group and tried to follow me while a tried getting away. The villain laughed saying that he enjoyed killing.Some parts of this dream took place in my residence.

First part was we were at school and we had an event. My first ex came because she was some soft of a visitor there. We we are somewhere café and I wanted to talk to her and be her best friend again but she is always busy and had to go home since her parents were outside as I was still trying to talk to her. My second dream was weird, we were somewhere not near the city and just grass and some trees. There were a lot of people and we were divided by 3 each at least. each has their own hiding spot and we would change our spots so the ones that will check on us will not recognize us for we were planning for an escape. It was fine at first, not really brutal but scary. The soldiers would randomly check and kill if they want to. I was with an older person like a 5 years gap and a baby. Each should have a baby and must protect the baby at all costs. At the beginning, we kept on changing spots and that draws an intimate connection with the person I was with. I start imagining the older person as my second ex and want to kiss him/her badly. So i keep trying to kiss her/him intimately when I had the chance to and he/she would not want it much for it was wrong but she/he was patient with me and understood me. So then, the last kiss was long and very passionate as I imagine my lips on the lips of my ex. It was tender, felt so good, and felt so real. I kept on saying sorry to the older person but I cannot help it. The third dream was kind of fast, it was the worst prison that I could go to. They had the monstrous boss and would kill you if you dont have a baby that you are protecting or feeding. each one has their own cell and the two older ppl must have at least one baby that they are currently taking care of. I was paired with someone and one person joined us in that cell and we gave her our baby out of pity and that left us with none. There was a checker person that was in favor of us and wanted to help us so he told us to ask for someone elses baby to take care of. So right away, we saw the front of has like 4 babies so we asked for one and promised to take care of it and we were just really close to each others cell. So then, we planned an escape but my dream ended with imagining of escaping and finding a big city. it was a lucid dreaming, i was making a big city out of the prison so taht we could stay there and be safe. I woke up and got mixed feelings.

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