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Meaning of fainting in a dream

What is the meaning of fainting in my dream?

To dream of fainting, signifies illness in your family and unpleasant news of the absent. If a young woman dreams of fainting, it denotes that she will fall into ill health and experience disappointment from her careless way of living.

Latest Dreams About fainting

Found 15 dreams with the symbol fainting

I dreamt I was in.a.house with my ex husband we had lodgers one was a well dressed black man I was afraid of him he was a bad person he didn't pay rent and was proud that he ha on up on me your lodged a bullied me I was angry my husband did nothing about it and seemed to be against anything I did or said .another lodger resembled an old friend but she was much thinner I stop up to her and she at a ked me making a small nick on my neck I said I would call th police she laughed a th do in was too small for evidence .was.enraged an took it out on a young couple that couldn't afford the rent and three them out. My husband persuaded th young man to take on a false name and illegal work .I worried about him a he was so easily or I regretted my anger being directed at th young couple th black man seems go be around fainting m about everything a I could do nothing to stop him .

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