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Meaning of europe in a dream

What is the meaning of europe in my dream?

Culture. Old world. Preservation of the past. Wish to continue or save . To dream of traveling in Europe, foretells that you will soon go on a long journey, which will avail you in the knowledge you gain of the manners and customs of foreign people. You will also be enabled to forward your financial standing. For a young woman to feel that she is disappointed with the sights of Europe, omens her inability to appreciate chances for her elevation. She will be likely to disappoint her friends or lover.

Latest Dreams About europe

Found 60 dreams with the symbol europe

Honeymoon dream Waterfalls Engagement island Really high waterfalls with multiple layers- we started out looking out from the highest point and then made our way to the middle look out point From there when I looked down it was still deep and far down to the water I had 2 per lizards I was cuddling with, One by one each lizard jumped into the water together where I saw one really happy swimming with a giant toad 2 pet lizards each went into the water My love had an orange backpack We jumped in the water falls to get to the next level We crawled through a tiny hole up into an exclusive rich person resort where there were rich taught old lady bodies who were flexing their ass in the mist and gyrating My iPhone broke and I stole purple tape to fix it Bathroom problems and expensive drinks and food Danny was there we got an appetizer It ended with my love and I on a train somewhere in Europe together traveling he had blonde hair and wire glasses we were in an embrace and it was as if it was a movie

I was on a school trip to Europe with my friends. The entire trip, I was joking around saying “I’m going to meet my European bachelor” although it was unrealistic. I’ve always been a kind of hopeless romantic, so I was very hopeful. During the last few days I do meet a French guy, about a year older. He spends the rest of the time with my friends and I, and we become more touchy and romantic as the day progresses. At the end, I have to exchange social medias and unfortunately go back to America and say good bye.

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