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Meaning of encyclopedia in a dream

What is the meaning of encyclopedia in my dream?

To dream of seeing or searching through encyclopedias, portends that you will secure literary ability to the losing of prosperity and comfort.

Latest Dreams About encyclopedia

Found 2 dreams with the symbol encyclopedia

I had a dream that I was at an amusement park at night, and this cyborg robot was chasing after me, and I burned in fire. In the dream, I woke up and was in my room. I was half awake. I kept looking out of the window, and the robot, now a large giant, kept approaching my house, and kept repeating doing so. I saw a child superhero running in slow motion as I drifted off, and I began drawing black candles on my ceiling, and I lit them, and the flames lit up. I descended into darkness, and I began hearing a dark voice, which said "Aren't you afraid of the shadows and the dark?" I then saw an encyclopedia page with a red background on this fake dictator, and his symbol was a hammer of might. And then, I realized, that I was the emperor.

I had a dream that I was at an amusement park at night, and this cyborg robot was chasing after me, and I burned in fire. In the dream, I woke up and was in my room. I was half awake. I kept looking out of the window, and the robot, now a large giant, kept approaching my house, and kept repeating doing so. I saw a child superhero running in slow motion as I drifted off, and I began drawing black candles on my ceiling, and I lit them, and the flames lit up. I descended into darkness, and I began hearing a dark voice, which said "Aren't you afraid of the shadows and the dark?" I then saw an encyclopedia page with a red background on this fake dictator, and his symbol was a hammer of might. And then, I realized, that I was the ruler.

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